
Titanium Nano Polymer Coated Tubing Guide

Titanium Nano Polymer Coated Tubing

When it comes to the tubing used for oil recovery, you cannot afford to compromise on the quality of coating that is used. This is if you want to make your oil recovery business to be a profitable venture.

While many types of coatings can be used, choosing one can be […]

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EXPE Liner Surface Pipeline Guide

Buying Guide for EXPE Liner Surface Pipeline

Pipelines play an important role in transporting fluids in oilfields. The fluids are usually extracted from the well and transported to the metering points for further processing.

The pipelines must be in perfect condition to withstand different properties of the fluids and even the external conditions in and out […]

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FBE Coated Tubing Buying Guide

Buying Guide for FBE Coated Tubing Fusion Bond Epoxy Tubing

One of the key goals to consider in the tubing system is to prevent cases of corrosion and abrasion.

Since the tubings are used for transporting fluid, it is expected that they have to be subjected to frictional force from the inside.

Also, the external parts of […]

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